Project Aron

A videogame on the Unreal Engine 3

Role: Lead Programmer Responsibilities: Implement gameplay features, communicate and collaborate with lead designer and other group members. Employer: Zombiraptor.



Project Aron is a first-person fighting game which employs a tactical use of elemental magic in a competitive multiplayer environment. The project is built on top of Unreal Development Kit.

My role in this project is Lead Programmer. I communicate with the project leader regarding gameplay features and implement them. We follow a milestone-based development path: every weekend or fortnight we discuss what worked and what did not; then set the target for the next time period.

I have acquired a lot of experience in working in a team of people from various backgrounds. For example, while implementing a system to have wind sound as the character sprinted, I talked with the sound designers to make sure it would be heard the way they wanted.

Stage of development as of now:

The player movement implementation is almost complete.

Example implementation testing video:

The project has been frozen until we find more programmers, as it became too difficult to focus on my university studies while working on the video-game.

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